AS742 - TRAJECTORY Study: Changing generational trajectory of cardiovascular disease with the adult children and grandchildren of the Women’s Health Initiative study
Investigator Names and Contact Information
Khadijah Breathett (
Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S. and for women. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease has increased in families and their next generations over the years. We do not fully understand how social environments or social determinants of health contribute to future cardiovascular disease across family generations. These social factors have been understudied. Moreover, strategies to correct the social factors have been underpromoted. Understanding these important social factors are key to changing the trajectory of cardiovascular disease across family generations. We believe that intergenerational families can best identify the strategies to change social factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease. Thus, we are extending the Women’s Health Initiative to the next generation of adult children and grandchildren of participants of the Women’s Health Initiative and collecting additional input from original study participants. This study will provide preliminary support to extend the entire Women’s Health Initiative study to the next generations of adult female, male, and nonbinary children and grandchildren.