Join a Writing Group

Writing groups are a team of research investigators who support a lead author in the development of their manuscript by:

  • Advising on the data analysis plan
  • Offering subject expertise
  • Participating in conference calls
  • Writing, revising, and editing the final draft
  • Recommending journals for submission

Paper proposals recently approved by the P&P Committee become open to accept nominations for writing group members. Since active participation is expected of every writing group member, members should be conscious of the number of groups they choose to participate in and keep their number of nominations to a reasonable limit.

If a title among the list of open writing groups interests you, please feel free to email the P&P Committee to obtain more information or provide you with a contact to the lead author.

How nominations to writing groups work

3 Open Writing Groups - All close August 1, 2024.

Ms4840 - The remaining lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease in older women: an insight from the Women’s Health Initiative – Pourya Yarahmadi

Ms5135 - Which biological pathways govern motherhood-related Alzheimer’s Disease resilience – Molly Fox

Ms5156 - Enhanced multifactorial risk scores for pancreatic cancer risk assessment – Samuel Antwi

This proposal stems from a consortium; writing group slots for WHI investigators may be limited