Variables related to Medical History

idLIVERDISVariableLiver disease everDescriptionDid a doctor ever say that you had any of the following health problems? (Please mark No or Yes for each problem listed.) Liver disease (chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, or yellow jaundice)?CollectedBaselineFileForm 2 - Eligibility Screening
idBLDPROBVariableBleeding problem everDescriptionDid a doctor ever say that you had any of the following health problems? (Please mark No or Yes for each problem listed.) Bleeding problem?CollectedBaselineFileForm 2 - Eligibility Screening
idDIALYSISVariableKidney dialysis for kidney failureDescriptionAre you on kidney dialysis or a kidney machine for kidney or renal failure?CollectedBaselineFileForm 2 - Eligibility Screening
idOTHCHRONVariableOther long-term illnessDescriptionDo you have any other long-term or chronic illness?CollectedBaselineFileForm 2 - Eligibility Screening
idHOSP2YVariableHospitalized overnight last two yearsDescriptionHave you been hospitalized overnight at any time during the past two years?
*Not collected on all versions of Form 30.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 30 - Medical History
idGAIL5YVariableGail 5 year riskDescription
*The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (i.e., the Gail model) is used to predict risk of invasive breast cancer in women 35 years of age or older. Gail model variables are all from baseline, and include age, ethnicity, age at menarche, age of the mother at the birth of her first live child, number of first-degree relatives with breast cancer, and the number of previous breast biopsy examinations. Because historical information on atypical hyperplasia was not collected in WHI, all women with previous breast biopsy examinations are coded as “unknown” for this variable. Please see the WHI Data Preparation document for more detail and a reference.
CollectedBaselineFileRisk Scores
idHEARINGVariableHow would you describe your hearingDescriptionHow would you describe your hearing?CollectedExt2FileForm 155 - Lifestyle Questionnaire
idVISIONVariableHow would you describe your visionDescriptionHow would you describe your vision (corrected with glasses or lenses as needed)?CollectedExt2FileForm 155 - Lifestyle Questionnaire
idAPPETITEVariableHow would you describe your appetiteDescriptionHow would you describe your appetite?CollectedExt2FileForm 155 - Lifestyle Questionnaire
idBALANCEVariableHow would you describe your balanceDescriptionHow would you describe your balance?CollectedExt2FileForm 155 - Lifestyle Questionnaire