Variables related to Smoking

idSMOKEVRVariableSmoked at least 100 cigarettes everDescriptionDuring your entire life, have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes?CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idSMOKAGEVariableAge started smoking cigarettes regularlyDescriptionHow old were you when you first started smoking cigarettes regularly? (Give your best guess.)
*Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1 "Smoked 100 cigarettes".
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idSMOKNOWVariableSmoke cigarettes nowDescriptionDo you smoke cigarettes now?
*Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1 "Smoked 100 cigarettes".
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idQSMOKAGEVariableAge quit smoking regularlyDescriptionHow old were you when you quit smoking regularly?
*Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1 "Smoked 100 cigarettes". Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1.2 "Smoke now".
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idQSMOKHPVariableQuit smoking because of health problemsDescriptionDid you quit smoking because you had a health problem that was caused by or made worse by smoking?
*Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1 "Smoked 100 cigarettes". Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1.2 "Smoke now".
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idCIGSDAYVariableSmoke or smoked, cigarettes/dayDescriptionOn the average, how many cigarettes do you (did you) usually smoke each day?
*Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1 "Smoked 100 cigarettes".
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idSMOKYRSVariableYears a regular smokerDescriptionHow many years have you been (were you) a regular smoker? Do not count the time you stayed off cigarettes.
*Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1 "Smoked 100 cigarettes".
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idSMOKWGTVariableSmoked to lose weightDescriptionHave you ever smoked to keep from gaining weight or to lose weight?
*Sub-question of F34 V2 Q1 "Smoked 100 cigarettes".
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idSMOKINGVariableSmoking statusDescriptionComputed from Form 34, questions 1, 1.2, and 1.5. Combines questions into a three category smoking status variable (never/past/current).CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits
idPACKYRSVariablePack years of smokingDescription
*Pack-years of smoking is a computed variable taking into account years of smoking and number of cigarettes smoked per day on average. Please see the [PACKYRS algorithm notes]( for additional detail on how it is computed.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 34 - Personal Habits