Variables related to Residence History

idLIVESTYVariableYears lived in current stateDescriptionHow many years have you lived in the state you now live in? CollectedBaselineFileForm 42 - OS Questionnaire
idUSBORNVariableBorn in the U.S.DescriptionComputed from Form 42, question 38. Indicator variable for whether the participant was born in the U.S.CollectedBaselineFileForm 42 - OS Questionnaire
idLVUSAG15VariableLiving in the U.S. at age 15DescriptionComputed from Form 42, question 39. Indicator variable of whether the participant lived in the US at age 15.CollectedBaselineFileForm 42 - OS Questionnaire
idLVUSAG35VariableLiving in the U.S. at age 35DescriptionComputed from Form 42, question 40. Indicator variable of whether the participant lived in the US at age 35.CollectedBaselineFileForm 42 - OS Questionnaire
idLVUSAG50VariableLiving in the U.S. at age 50DescriptionComputed from Form 42, question 41. Indicator variable of whether the participant lived in the US at age 50.CollectedBaselineFileForm 42 - OS Questionnaire
idUSLNGVariableLived in U.S. the longest of any countryDescriptionComputed from Form 42, question 42. Indicator variable of whether the participant has lived in the US the longest of any country.CollectedBaselineFileForm 42 - OS Questionnaire
idBRTHREGNVariableU.S. region of birthDescriptionComputed from Form 42, question 38. U.S. region of birth based on U.S. Census definition. If participant was born outside of the U.S., BRTHREGN=0 (Not in U.S.).CollectedBaselineFileForm 42 - OS Questionnaire