Variables related to Heath Care and Insurance

idCAREPROVVariableCurrent Health Care ProviderDescriptionDo you have a clinic, doctor, nurse, or physician assistant who gives you your usual medical care?CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idLSTVISDYVariableDays from rand to last visitDescription
*Sub-question of F20 V4 Q12 "Usual care provider" (skip pattern rule not applied).
CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idHMOINSVariablePre-paid private insuranceDescriptionWhich category or categories below best describe how you usually pay for your medical care? (Mark all that apply.) Pre-paid private insurance (for example: Health Maintenance Organization, Kaiser Permanente, or other Group Health-type plan)CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idOTHPRVINVariablePrivate insurance (other than pre-paid)DescriptionWhich category or categories below best describe how you usually pay for your medical care? (Mark all that apply.) Other private insurance (for example: Blue Cross, Aetna, etc.)CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idMEDICAREVariableMedicareDescriptionWhich category or categories below best describe how you usually pay for your medical care? (Mark all that apply.) MedicareCollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idMEDICAIDVariableMedicaidDescriptionWhich category or categories below best describe how you usually pay for your medical care? (Mark all that apply.) Medicaid (for example: Medical Assistance or DPA)CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idMLTRYINSVariableMilitary or VA insuranceDescriptionWhich category or categories below best describe how you usually pay for your medical care? (Mark all that apply.) Military or Veterans Administration-sponsoredCollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idNOINSVariableNo insuranceDescriptionWhich category or categories below best describe how you usually pay for your medical care? (Mark all that apply.) No insuranceCollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idPAYOTHVariableOther insurance than listedDescriptionWhich category or categories below best describe how you usually pay for your medical care? (Mark all that apply.) OtherCollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idVAMEDCTRVariableUsed a VA medical center everDescriptionHave you ever made use of a VA Medical Center?
*Sub-question of F20 V4 Q17 "Served in U.S. Armed Forces". Not collected on all versions of Form 20.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information