Variables related to Cancer Screening

idMAMMOVariableMammogram everDescriptionHave you ever had a mammogram (X-ray of the breasts to look for cancer)?CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idLSTMAMDYVariableDays from rand to last mammogramDescription
*Sub-question of F20 V4 Q13 "Mammogram ever" (skip pattern rule not applied).
CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idPAPSMEARVariablePap smear everDescriptionHave you ever had a Pap smear (a cancer check done during a female exam)?
*Not collected on all versions of Form 20.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idLSTPAPDYVariableDays from rand to last pap smearDescription
*Sub-question of F20 V4 Q14 "Pap smear ever" (skip pattern rule not applied). Not collected on all versions of Form 20.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idABNPAP3YVariableAbnormal Pap smear last 3 yearsDescriptionHave you had an abnormal Pap smear in the last 3 years?
*Sub-question of F20 V4 Q14 "Pap smear ever" (skip pattern rule not applied). Not collected on all versions of Form 20.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idNOMAM2YRVariableNo mammogram in last 2 yearsDescriptionComputed from Form 20, questions 13 and 13.1. Indicates if a participant did NOT have a mammogram in the past two years.CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idNOPAP3YRVariableNo pap smear in last 3 yearsDescriptionComputed from Form 20, questions 14 and 14.1, and Form 2, question 18. Indicates if a participant did NOT have a pap smear in the past three years. Missing if a participant has been hysterectomized.CollectedBaselineFileForm 20 - Personal Information
idCOLNSCPYVariableColonoscopy everDescriptionHave you ever had a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy or flex sig (where a doctor inserts a tube in the rectum to check for bowel problems)?
*Not collected on all versions of Form 30.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 30 - Medical History
idCOLNSCDTVariableDate of last colonoscopyDescriptionWhen was the last test?
*Sub-question of F30 V3 Q10 "Colonscopy or sigmoidoscopy". Not collected on all versions of Form 30.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 30 - Medical History
idPCOLONRMVariablePolyps of colon removedDescriptionDid you ever have any polyps of the colon, intestine, bowel, or rectum removed?
*Sub-question of F30 V3 Q10 "Colonscopy or sigmoidoscopy". Not collected on all versions of Form 30.
CollectedBaselineFileForm 30 - Medical History