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Dataset File
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableIDLabelWHI Participant Common IDDescription
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableF2DAYSLabelF2 Days since randomizationDescription
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableF2CONTLabelContact typeDescriptionThe method used to collect the data.
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableAREA3YLabelLiving in area for next 3 yearsDescriptionDo you think you will be living in this area for the next three years?
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableOTHSTDYLabelIn other research studyDescriptionAre you now in any other research study?
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableEXSTDYLabelExcluded studyDescriptionIs study on CC list of excluding studies?
*Sub-question of F2 V3 Q9 "In any other study".
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableBRCA_F2LabelBreast cancer everDescriptionDid a doctor ever say that you had breast cancer?
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableCOLON_F2LabelColorectal cancer everDescriptionDid a doctor ever say that you had colon, rectum, bowel or intestinal cancer?
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableCOLON10YLabelColorectal cancer last 10 yearsDescriptionWere you told that you had this cancer in the last 10 years?
*Sub-question of F2 V3 Q11 "Cancer-colon,rectum".
Dataset FileForm 2 - Eligibility ScreeningCollectedBaselineVariableENDO_F2LabelEndometrial cancer everDescriptionDid a doctor ever say that you had endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus or womb)?
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